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Moving with Family guide
Trip to your new town
Best time to move
Children's problems
Age makes a difference
My spouse doesn't want to move
Hesitating about moving
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Useful tips

Family Guide: General

In general moving can be very challenging however moving with a family brings a whole new meaning to the word challenge. Adults can be emotional however we tend to have more control over our emotions whereas children's emotions can be like a roller coaster ride on a good day.

Keep everybody involved

As the move gets nearer be sure that the entire family is included in progress reports so nobody feels left out. Keep everyone informed on plans and tasks and any activities associated with the move. Keep everybody involved. It is good to allow the children to be involved in some of the decision making. You could consider taking them with you on house hunting trips at your new location if finances permit. Ask the what they would like in new home, what specific feature would appeal to them and if you are unable to take them with you on house hunting trips you can always take picture so everybody feels as if they have some say in the purchase of the new home and can begin to get to know it.

If your move is to another city get as much information about the new city as you can so you can share with the kids. If the city is not too far away perhaps you can take a family trip to begin to get to know your new home. Visit the local parks and museums or any other local attractions. Take a ride by your new workplace to show the kids so they will begin to feel more comfortable about moving.