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Moving with Pets guide
General guidlines
Pet travel warning
Air Transport
By road – In a motor vehicle
Pets travel bag
Pets ID tags
Birds and small pets
Small Creatures
New community
State and local regulations
More information

Moving with Pets

On average Americans move every 7 years and the lifespan of a pet may be 10- 20 years. It is highly likely that during your pet's lifetime you will move or relocate. If you have a pet or pets as part of your family you will need to remember that they are just like people in that they get as stressed out as we do when moving. In fact in many instances they may be more stressed as the home is generally their habitat both day and night and pets are very sensitive to a change in their habitat. Pets can also become very frightened when faced with unfamiliar situations. With careful organization and planning the move process can be made easier and less stressful for both you and your pet. Read VanLines.com's helpful guide which provides tips and advice to help you and your pet through this stressful process.